Large retail chainstores are already jacking up the price of apples…
I couldn’t help but notice while passing through the produce section that this retailer is already gouging customers, just after the apple harvest when this fruit should be sold at the lowest prices of the year. Adding insult to injury, they are not even Canadian, let alone from Ontario! The apples advertised above are imports from South America and our biggest competitor, the United States. Right now, there should be massive amounts of freshly picked Canadian fruit offered in grocery stores at very attractive prices. Huge supplies should equate to lower prices in a traditional economy, especially for seasonal produce like tree fruits. As a fruit grower, I have been shocked in recent years at the high cost of apples in Ontario stores in winter, spring and summer. Typically seeing price points of $2.49/lb to $2.99/lb it’s incredible how high the fruit is regularly being sold at. We are currently selling our apples (on average) at half the cost of what is typically seen in grocery store shelves. Why pay more, especially for imported food that we can grow here on our own Canadian soil? 🇨🇦