We still have large amounts of apples on our trees available for picking. The best ones are Empire apples- still crunchy and very tasty! There are also lots of Spartan and Ida Red. They are super sweet and plentiful, especially up in the tops of the trees. We also have a great deal of Golden Delicious and Red Delicious apples out in the orchard. Many of these are starting to drop and fall to the ground though. The weather is very balmy for November – take advantage of the warmer temperatures and come out to ALBION ORCHARDS for a visit and pick some apples!
PICK YOUR OWN – still on this weekend! October 24-25
We are open for PYO 10 am to 4 pm Saturday and Sunday, or until there are no more apples for picking. The store will stay open to 5 pm for shopping.
There are still lots of Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Ida Red, and Empire apples to pick . Other varieties that may be found still include Spartan, Mutsu, Jonagold, Pink Lady, Cortland, Fuji and Granny Smith . Most other varieties have all been harvested but are available to purchase in the store including Bosc pears, Royal Gala, Honeycrisp, Cortland, Golden Russet, Paula Red, Jonagold and Macintosh. We are now completely sold out of Ambrosia. Please no dogs allowed at the farm. Covid masks are not required out in the orchards, but we ask that you wear one while inside the store.
Pick Your Own Sept. 19-20
This coming weekend we will again be welcoming people to pick their own apples : ROYAL GALA Apples will be available. These are considered the sweetest of all apple varieties by many and is also currently the most popular apple variety worldwide. They definitely look pretty as well.
If you want the best selection of larger tree fruit you should plan to be here early on Saturday to “get the big ones”. If you wait until Sunday afternoon there is a good chance that our PYO block of Gala trees will be “picked out” due to the numbers of people expected. Gala are so popular we always sell out of them early every year in the store. Thank-you to all the very nice people who visited our farm this past weekend. Many families enjoyed the nice weather and filled bags with nice big juicy Macintosh apples.
A few things to know before planning your trip to Albion Orchards:
- Pick your own is from 10 am to 4 pm. The store is open until 5 pm .
- No dogs allowed. Please leave pets at home. You can NOT bring your dog into the farm where we are growing food and children are playing .
- Covid masks are required when entering the store. Outside in the orchard there is no need to wear a mask- enjoy the fresh country air!
- There is no admission charge. But there is no admission allowed to those not purchasing / taking part in PYO .
- Cost for PYO Royal Gala is: $20 for 10 pound bags / $40 for 20 lb bags
- There is a minimum of 5 lbs per person in order to pick your own. This means that a maximum of 2 persons may enter PYO area sharing the cost of a single 10 -lb bag. If a 20 lb bag is purchased, a maximum of 4 persons may enter / share the cost.
- If you do not want to purchase the the minimum amount for pick your own apples, sorry but you cannot enter the pick your own/ play area.
- Smaller amounts of Gala apples can be purchased in our store – CHEAPER! Galas in the store are priced at $1.49 /lb We also have other varieties to choose from as well, such as Macintosh (.99 cents/ lb)
Christmas Tree time is here!
Cut your own Christmas Trees
We are open for CYO Christmas Trees ….
- HOURS : Tues-Friday 10-6 ……..Saturday /Sunday 10-5
- COST: $55 up to 8 feet height, taller trees to a max. of $100
- TREE SPECIES AVAILABLE: Fir ( Caanan, Fraser, Balsam), Spruce (Blue, White)
We have saws to loan for your use, but we encourage you to bring your own. Netting service (tree wrapping) included with purchase of tree. We also have lots of twine to use for tying/ securing your tree to your vehicle and are happy to assist.